Oke, now i will try to tell you how to set the internet connection in your mobile phones. The first is enter the menu, then find setting menu, and push connections menu, in the connections menu, choose packet data menu, and choose packet data setting. Now fill it with :

APN : www.xlgprs.net
User Name : xlgprs
Password : proxl

APN : www.xlgprs.net
User Name : xlmms
Password : proxl

APN :www.indosat-m3.net
User Name : gprs
Password : im3

APN : mms.indosat-m3.net
User Name : mms
Password : im3

Mentari GPRS
APN : indosatgprs
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat

Mentari MMS
APN : mms.satelindogprs.com
User Name : satmms
Password : satmms

Matrix Broadband
APN : indosat3g
User Name : (just fill it blank)
Password : (just fill it blank)

Matrix GPRS
APN : satelindogprs.com
User Name : (just fill it blank)
Password : (just fill it blank)

Matrix MMS
APN : mms.satelindogprs.com
User Name : satmms
Password : satmms

Telkomsel GPRS
APN : telkomsel
User Name : wap
Password : wap123

Telkomsel MMS
APN : mms
User Name : wap
Password : wap123

Telkomsel Flash (HSDPA)
APN : flash
User Name : (just fill it blank)
Password : (just fill it blank)

3 (three) GPRS
APN : 3gprs
User Name : 3gprs
Password : 3gprs

3 (three) MMS
APN : 3mms
User Name : 3mms
Password : 3mms

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Hi all,
after a months i've used the paid internet connection, then now i used the free internet connection from XL Indonesia ( excelcomindo ). i've written the tutorial for you, and you can download from this links :


and here is the tutorial how to use your-freedom software:

and the software i have used to help with this connection is:

and the password to extract is : http://1login.blogspot.com

the language for this tutorial is indonesian language
Good Luck..

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Posted In: . By 1login

Salah satu penemuannya yang menggemparkan dunia ilmu pengetahuan
adalah ditemukannya informasi lain selain konstruksi Polipeptida yang
dibangun dari kodon DNA. Ayat pertama yang mendorong penelitiannya
adalah Surat "Fussilat" ayat 53 yang juga dikuatkan dengan
hasil-hasil penemuan Profesor Keith Moore ahli embriologi dari
Kanada. Penemuanny tersebut diilhami ketika Khatib pada waktu salat
Jumat membacakan salah satu ayat yang ada kaitannya dengan ilmu
biologi. Bunyi ayat tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: "...Sanuriihim
ayatinaa filafaaqi wa fi anfusihim hatta yatabayyana lahum annahu
Yang artinya; "Kemudian akan Kami tunjukkan tanda-tanda kekuasaan kami pada
alam dan dalam diri mereka, sampai jelas bagi mereka bahwa ini adalah

Hipotesis awal yang diajukan Dr. Ahmad Khan adalah kata "ayatinaa" yang
memiliki makna "Ayat Allah", dijelaskan oleh Allah bahwa tanda-tanda
kekuasaanNya ada juga dalam diri manusia. Menurut Ahmad Khan ayat-ayat
Allah ada juga dalam DNA (Deoxy Nucleotida Acid) manusia. Selanjutnya ia
beranggapan bahwa ada kemungkinan ayat Alquran merupakan bagian dari gen
manusia. Dalam dunia biologi dan genetika dikenal banyaknya DNA yang hadir
tanpa memproduksi protein sama sekali. Area tanpa produksi ini disebut Junk
DNA atau DNA sampah. Kenyataannya DNA tersebut menurut Ahmad Khan jauh
sekali dari makna sampah. Menurut hasil hasil risetnya, Junk DNA tersebut
merupakan untaian firman-firman Allah sebagai pencipta serta sebagai tanda
kebesaran Allah bagi kaum yang berpikir. Sebagaimana disindir oleh Allah;
Afala tafakaruun (apakah kalian tidak mau bertafakur atau menggunakan akal

Setelah bekerjasama dengan adiknya yang bernama Imran, seorang yang ahli
dalam analisis sistem, laboratorium genetiknya mendapatkan proyek dari
pemerintah. Proyek tersebut awalnya ditujukan untuk meneliti gen kecerdasan
pada manusia. Dengan kerja kerasnya Ahmad Khan berupaya untuk menemukan
huruf Arab yang mungkin dibentuk dari rantai Kodon pada cromosome manusia.
Sampai kombinasi tersebut menghasilkan
ayat-ayat Alquran. Akhirnya pada tanggal 2 Januari tahun 1999 pukul 2 pagi,
ia menemukan ayat yang pertama "Bismillahir Rahman ir Rahiim. Iqra
bismirrabbika ladzi Khalq"; "bacalah dengan nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan"
. Ayat tersebut adalah awal dari surat Al-A'laq yang merupakan surat
pertama yang diturunkan Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad di Gua Hira. Anehnya
setelah penemuan ayat pertama tersebut ayat lain muncul satu persatu secara
cepat. Sampai sekarang ia telah berhasil menemukan 1/10 ayat Alquran.

Dalam wawancara yang dikutip "Ummi" edisi 6/X/99, Ahmad Khan menyatakan:
"Saya yakin penemuan ini luar biasa, dan saya mempertaruhkan karier saya
untuk ini. Saya membicarakan penemuan saya dengan dua rekan saya; Clive dan
Martin seorang ahli genetika yang selama ini sinis terhadap Islam. Saya
menyurati dua ilmuwan lain yang selama ini selalu alergi terhadap Islam
yaitu Dan Larhammar dari Uppsala University Swedia dan Aris Dreisman dari
Universitas Berlin.

Ahmad Khan kemudian menghimpun penemuan-penemuannya dalam beberapa lembar
kertas yang banyak memuat kode-kode genetika rantai kodon pada cromosome
manusia yaitu; T, C, G, dan A masing-masing kode Nucleotida akan
menghasilkan huruf Arab yang apabila dirangkai akan menjadi firman Allah
yang sangat mengagumkan.

Di akhir wawancaranya Dr. Ahmad Khan berpesan "Semoga penerbitan buku saya
"Alquran dan Genetik", semakin menyadarkan umat Islam, bahwa Islam adalah
jalan hidup yang lengkap. Kita tidak bisa lagi memisahkanagama dari ilmu
politik, pendidikan atau seni. Semoga non muslim menyadari bahwa tidak ada
gunanya mempertentangkan ilmu dengan agama. Demikian juga dengan ilmu-ilmu
keperawatan. Penulis berharap akan datang suatu generasi yang mendalami
prinsip-prinsip ilmu keperawatan yang digali dari agama Islam. Hal ini
dapat dimulai dari niat baik para pemegang kebijakan (decission maker) yang
beragama Islam baik di institusi pendidikan atau pada level pemerintah.
Memfasilitasi serta memberi dukungan secara moral dan finansial.


Definition Paypal
PayPal is one of the instruments of payment (Payment processors) use the Internet the most used and the world's safest. Internet users can buy goods at eBay, original software license, a membership site, business, send and receive donations / contributions, send money to other PayPal users around the world and many other functions easily and automatically use the Internet, PayPal overcome the deficiencies in the delivery traditional, such as money or money order checks that the process can take PayPal, such as bank account, you first create your account, then fill out the account with funds from the credit card or transferal paypal funds from the account balance to another paypal you, and you can use your account PayPal accounts

February 2008 PayPal has received 190 countries and 16 currencies, Indonesia PayPal users still must use U.S. dollars as the count is not in the rupiah PayPal

Ebay is the place of auction / sale / market-largest online world, with more than 200 million people worldwide (June 2006 data), you can browse and buy anything, ranging from electronic goods, vehicles, to rare goods Ebay users from around the world, the main way of payment in Ebay with PayPal because it is more secure and automatic, although there are sellers who accept payment in other ways

General Requirement
Paypal account holders must be aged at least 18 years or more and have:

1) email address as username = Paypal account you later

2) Credit Card Users = Paypal from Indonesia at this time can use the new credit card to activate / verified accounts first, and only a credit card from a bank that received a certain

3) To be able to withdraw from paypal, you must have a credit card from Visa, Visa debit cards, or prepaid Visa card

Step by step tutorial Registration
Before the start register, prepare the data to make your PayPal account, such as Email, Name, Address, Phone, credit card number (Make sure Name, Address, Phone, which will fill you with the same registration for the data on your credit card)

1. Go to the site www.paypal.com

(For safety always make sure the site address written in the browser address bar is the address of the official website PayPal http://www.paypal.com/ or https://www.paypal.com/)

2. Click to register SignUp

3. Then there are the options country, as you select in Indonesia. Then select the type of account you want, for new applicants in selecting the recommended personal account first, then you can upgrade to Premiere type of account or Business account with a free and easy according to the needs of

4. Then you enter information such as Email, Name, Address, Phone (Make sure Name, Address, Phone, which you fill to the same registration data with your credit card)

Email your entries will be your username PayPal to sign deal to use PayPal or later

Examples of writing the correct phone number: 021-77755555 or 02177755555 or 62-21-77755555
Examples of writing the number of correct Mobile phone: 08123456789

Fill in your password with a combination of letters and numbers, at least 8 characters

The next instructed to enter your credit card number that will be used to enter the funds to your PayPal account, if you do not want to enter your credit card data now removed the sign on the Checklist "link my credit card so I can start shopping right away (recommended) ", You can enter your credit card data and then after the login page in My Account

Check again and make sure the Name, Address, Phone, which you fill in accordance with your credit card data, if the press is sure I agree, create my account

5. You will receive a confirmation email that you have to register and activate PayPal account, open email from PayPal and click on the link in the confirmation that there is, to confirm that you are the owner of the email

6. If you enter a credit card to your PayPal account there will be a link to Verified PayPal account (your address is truth in check by PayPal)

Option 1: To become a Verified PayPal account now press the link to get a 4 digit security code from PayPal, which will be sent into the monthly statement or credit card statement online you (will be sent in 2-3 days), your credit card will be in $ 1.95 USD charge for these purposes. Goals PayPal to send the security code is to ensure that the address you provided is correct (not a purely fictional address). If you already have 4 digit security code from the monthly statement or credit card statement online and then you, log in with your PayPal account, then click in the My Account link and confirm to enter 4 digit security code from PayPal, after you enter a 4 digit security code is PayPal account you will become a Verified account and will add $ 1.95 USD into the PayPal account because then you automatically become a Verified account, so the countdown-free countdown. You will be brought back to the My Account page ....

Option 2: If you do not want to become a Verified member now miss this section, click the link to get a 4 digit security code from PayPal My other time in the account after login to sign up for Verified into account, so you do not limit the funds are limited, you will be brought back to the My Account page ....

Done, you have a save PayPal account!

You can use your account PayPal now

Now you have a PayPal account Unverified accounts to make payments or send money to other PayPal account with the limit of $ 100 USD (or perhaps more depending on the number of credit card accounts used), and can receive money from other PayPal accounts with limited limit. To eliminate the limit of your paypal account must be a member Verified (Truth address you in check by PayPal) by following the steps above No.6

Unverified With PayPal you can not withdraw into a bank account or your credit card. To be able to withdraw money from paypal balance, you must become Verified account.

If you do not want to add or enter a credit card, log in with your PayPal account and to My Account -> Profile -> Add or Edit Credit Card

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The first you must click the sign up button to Register your self, like this image :

then second steps, you must choose your country :

and choose your account type ( Personal Account ) :

after choose your account type, you must fill the form about your self:

then you must fill the blank about your account login :

your password must be at least 4 character minimum, and your PIN transaction must be fill with number,

then alertpay will sent you a validation email :

if you didn't receive a validation email, you can click the link " Click here and we will sent....." to receive a new validation email.

if you have to click the validation email in your email, then you will ask to log in, after that the screen is like this, and you must verified your account to use the facilities :

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